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Radiation Safety

The University President has delegated the institutional authority in matters pertaining to campus radiation safety to the Senior Vice President and Provost.  The Senior Vice President and Provost work together with the Radiation Safety Committee and the campus Radiation Safety Officer to administer an effective Radiation Protection Program.  It is the mission of Radiation Safety within the University of Maryland's Office of Research Safety, to facilitate the safe and responsible use of radioactive material and radiation producing machines on campus such that occupational and public exposures to ionizing radiation, and releases to the environment are maintained As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). The Radiation Safety Officer and Radiation Safety staff administers the regulatory licenses that permit the receipt and use of radioactive material and radiation producing machines, ensures regulatory commitments are met, conducts monitoring, performs risk assessments, and provides consultation and training to laboratory personnel on radiation safety principals. 

Radioactive Materials

Radioactive Materials

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Radiation Producing Devices

Radiation Producing Devices

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Dosimetry Information

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