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The asbestos and asbestos management fact sheets provide employees, students, and visitors with basic information about the management of asbestos-containing materials in buildings managed by the University. 

Asbestos Fact Sheet 

Asbestos Management Fact Sheet. 

Asbestos Fact Sheet (spanish)



For all abatement projects at UMD, project managers will use only Asbestos Licensed Contractors. These contractors are required to ensure the safety of all staff, students and visitors in vicinity of the work. All of these projects include an industrial hygienist to oversee the following controls:

  • Containment Setup: Establish an area that is properly sealed off using plastic sheeting and negative air pressure systems and high efficiency air filtration to prevent asbestos fibers from escaping.
  • Continuous sampling: Conduct air sampling inside and outside the containment area to monitor asbestos fiber levels. This involves using air pumps and filters designed to capture airborne asbestos fibers.
  • Visual Inspection: Inspect the containment area visually to check for any breaches or damages to the containment barriers.
  • Post Abatement Clearance Sampling: After the abatement work is complete, conduct clearance sampling to verify that the asbestos levels inside the containment area are below regulatory limits. This is typically done by an accredited asbestos inspector or industrial hygienist.
  • Analysis: Send the air samples collected during sampling to a certified laboratory for analysis. The laboratory will analyze the samples to determine the concentration of asbestos fibers present.
  • Documentation: Keep detailed records of all sampling results, visual inspections, and any actions taken during the abatement process.

UMD safety professionals will ensure that compliance and best work practices are maintained for all abatement work on campus. 

Asbestos Inventory

University buildings have been inspected and sampled for asbestos-containing materials and presumed asbestos-containing materials. The asbestos inventory is managed by Occupational Safety and Health staff.

If there is renovation work planned, place a work order in the charge-back system for a pre-construction hazard assessment.

The inventory should be used as a general reference only. Do not print this listing and assume this is a final list of all asbestos-containing materials in the building. It is updated as needed by OSH staff. Specific locations of asbestos-containing materials can be obtained by contacting OSH staff at

The inventory is currently undergoing maintenance. Please call ESSR if you need access to identified ACM in buildings.  

FY23 Asbestos Management Plan

The asbestos management plan is updated every fiscal year, and includes a list of completed and anticipated asbestos-abatement projects.


Resources for asbestos abatement contractors

Contractors must complete the asbestos abatement inventory correction form once an abatement project is complete. This form will be submitted to ESSR through the UMD project manager.

Access Form

Exposure Form for UMD Employees

Current or former University employees who believe they intentionally conducted work which involved the disturbance of asbestos-containing materials, or who were in the immediate area while such work was conducted are eligible for medical surveillance.

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