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Camps & Programs Procedures & Information

Registering Your Program/Authorization Numbers

  • All Camps or Youth Programs are required to register with the Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) through the Office of Risk Management in order to initiate the Fingerprint and Federal Criminal Background Check process required of all employees or volunteers working with minors. Contact ESSR at if your program does not already have an Authorization Number or if you cannot remember your Authorization Number.
  • If you are a new Youth Program, we will need a brief description to file with CJIS to obtain your Authorization Number. Description should include camp name, director, ages/grade of participants, length of program and brief summary of activities.


  • As the FBI will now only accept fingerprint submissions that are electronically or digitally captured, the most easily and readily accessible location to the University for getting the fingerprinting completed is at the UMD Department of Public Safety (DPS) located in the Pocomoke Bldg. (old Fire House) on Route 1. The approved form for capturing this information is the LiveScan Form that may be downloaded and partially completed prior to arriving at DPS to get your fingerprinting completed.
  • A Criminal Background Check report must be received by the Office of Risk Management at least 2 weeks before an employee or volunteer may begin working the camp. At the University of Maryland, the fingerprint/background check is active for 5 consecutive years before a new background check is required.

DPS Fingerprinting Services

  • DPS Fingerprinting Services hours of operation are Monday thru Thursday from 3:00pm – 6:30pm. DPS will accept major credit cards, checks, and money orders and cash in the form of exact change only. Internal work tag account numbers are also accepted.
  • There is both a cost for the fingerprint process and the State and FBI Criminal Background Check. At UMD-DPS the combined cost is $55.00

Out of State Background Checks

  • For those getting fingerprinted outside the State of Maryland, a Purple Card and Blue Card must be used in place of the LiveScan form. CJIS requires that those getting fingerprinting done outside of Maryland submit "inked" prints only to CJIS. A check made out to CJIS for $32.75 must be included in the envelope with the inked Purple and Blue Cards and sent to the address listed on the card.(CJIS, P.O. BOX 32708, PIKESVILLE, MD 21282-2708). Do not send inked cards to the Office of Risk Management. [see Purple and Blue Card Templates and Directions]

Purple and Blue Cards may be requested in bulk from the Office of Risk Management. A Purple Card and a Blue Card is attached to assist in filling out the card. Out-of-State background checks take much longer to process and therefore should be done well in advance of the start of the camp they are intending to work.

  • If an employee or volunteer was previously screened for a child care background check at another agency (school or day care) the agency affiliation can be transferred to the University of Maryland via the 365 Day Request Form only if the original date of fingerprinting is less than 365 days old. Any request made to CJIS to transfer the agency of record that is older than 365 days will be rejected and the employee will be required to undergo an entirely new background check for the University. The new background check includes being fingerprinted.
  • Each registered camp/program must submit a roster of all employees or volunteers who will be working with minors.
  • Fill out the Camps Template to electronically submit your roster to the Office of Risk Management.

Child Protective Services Required Forms

A Child Protective Services (CPS) form is required from all camp employees. It must be completely filled out, notarized and sent to ESSR for processing. *Please note there is new updated information.*

  1. The State of Maryland has a new process for CPS forms.  Please follow the instructions.
  2. In Part III, both 1 & 2 should be checked off. Select the county "Prince Georges" and city "College Park" and find your Youth Program on the pull down menu, if it is not listed please use "University of Maryland College Park"
  3. Please send this form to Office of Risk Management as soon as possible once notarized as they take longer to process. If sending from on-campus, use:

Youth Programs
Office of Risk Management
Seneca Building #812
4716 Pontiac Street, Suite 0103

If sending from off-campus, use:

Youth Programs
University of Maryland
Office of Risk Management
Seneca Building #812
4716 Pontiac Street, Suite 0103
College Park, MD 20742

CPR & First Aid and Medical Administration Training

All staff for summer camps are required to have CPR & First Aid training for the University Health Center to approve camp health plans.

CPR/First Aid training classes required for all Camps and Youth Program personnel are available through University Recreation & Wellness at the Eppley Recreation Center. Please contact Stephanie Draminski or (301) 226-4409 for class dates and times.

Medical Administration training for at least 2 staff members for each camp is also required annually. 

Medical Administration training is available through Maryland Department of Health at the following link:  or classes are also available through University Recreation and Wellness.

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