Welding/ Hot Work/ Hot Work Permits Fact Sheet
Employees and contractors who perform welding, cutting, soldering, or other use of torches or hot work are subject to hazards associated with this activity. Burns, eye damage and fire are the primary risks. The appropriate safe hot work practices and procedures as delineated in the OSHA and NFPA standards must be followed. Hot Work Permits are a required and integral part of hot work safety precautions.
Applicable University Policy
UMD Hot Work Permit Plan
Applicable Regulations
- COMAR NFPA 1 Uniform Fire Code, 41, Hot Work Operations
- 29 CFR 1910.252 Subpart Q-Welding, cutting and brazing
- NFPA 51B Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work
Summary of Requirements
Permits: A Hot Work Permit shall be obtained from ESSR prior to performing hot work in the field. Permits are obtained online through the ESSR website (https://essr.umd.edu). Permits must be printed out and taken to the work site. Permits are not required for work in approved permanent shop areas.
Equipment: All equipment used for hot work shall be chosen for safe application to the work and shall be properly installed. Proper shielding and eye protection to prevent exposure to personnel from hot work hazards shall be provided and used.
Training: Workers designated to operate welding, soldering, cutting and other hot work equipment shall be trained in the use of the equipment. Additionally, workers who operate welding equipment shall be properly instructed and qualified to operate the equipment.
Fire Prevention: Precautions for fire prevention in areas where hot work is being done shall include isolating hot work activities, removing hazards from the vicinity and providing a fire watch.
Ventilation: Mechanical ventilation shall be provided when welding or cutting:
- beryllium, cadmium, lead, zinc or mercury;
- fluxes, metal coatings or other material containing fluorine components;
- where there is less than 10,000 cubic feet per welder;
- in confined spaces;
- where there is a possibility of fumes spreading in an occupied building
OSHA requires that each employee designated to operate welding equipment be properly trained and qualified to use it.
All welding work conducted in UMD buildings requires a Hot Works Permit obtained through the Department of Environmental Safety, Sustainability and Risk (ESSR).
Hot Works Permit data is retained by ESSR automatically when Permits are obtained online.
University Resources
Departmental of Environmental Safety, Sustainability and Risk (301) 405-3960
ESSR Fax No. (301) 314-9294
ESSR Website: https://essr.umd.edu
Written 5/98
Revised 4/05