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Memo: Applicant for Authorization to Use Radioactive Material at University of Maryland



Applicant for Authorization to Use Radioactive Material at University of Maryland


Radiation Safety Office
University of Maryland


Application for Possession, Use, and Transfer of Radioactive Material (RAM) at University of Maryland and Satellite Facilities

The following packet of information contains an application form and various other items that must be completed and returned to the Radiation Safety Office (RSO) for review and action concerning the possession, use, and transfer of radioactive materials.


  1. Application for Possession and Use of Radioactive Materials. Complete items 1-17. Provide detailed information on item 16.
  2. Training and Experience Form. Each user of RAM must complete this form in full.
  3. Receipt and Comprehension of Radiation Safety Manual:
    Sign and date the form and return with application. A Radiation Safety Manual is provided for your use.
  4. Dosimetry Service: If this service has not been requested, complete the application for dosimeter and return to RSO.

Upon completion and receipt of all material listed, the Radiation Safety Office will review your application and forward the request to the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) for action.

An interim approval of the application can be given by the Radiation Safety Officer and/or RSC Committee Chairman in the periods between the regular RSC Meetings.

The RSO will contact you of the action taken on your application and notify you if further action is required. If you have any questions or require additional help, contact our office at (301) 314-8336.

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